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laser blepharoplasty better or surgery?

laser blepharoplasty better or surgery?

laser blepharoplasty better or surgery

Laser devices have various applications in the treatment of many skin diseases and appearance-related problems.

Due to their advantages, such as being minimally invasive, laser devices can be a suitable alternative to other methods such as surgery.

One of the problems that can cause distress for both men and women is the appearance of under-eye bags or drooping eyelids.

Drooping eyelids can be caused by various factors, including genetic factors or lifestyle.

In the past, simple methods were used to treat drooping eyelids. Nowadays, more advanced methods such as laser treatment for drooping eyelids have been developed, which can be a suitable alternative to other methods.

To learn more about blepharoplasty, stay tuned.

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Elahieh Beauty International Hair and Skin Clinic – Elahieh Clinic

What is the treatment for droopy eyelids with laser

The treatment for droopy eyelids with laser is an advanced and sophisticated method that is used today as a suitable alternative to other methods such as surgery.

Instead of the doctor making an incision on the surface of the eyelid to get rid of its droopiness, a laser device is used.

The mechanism of the laser device is similar to that of a surgical blade.

The laser waves can, like a surgical blade, cut the surface of the eyelid skin.

The significant difference between the laser device and the surgical blade is that the laser waves stimulate the blood vessels to produce collagen in a short period of time and with less blood flow.

While there is significant bleeding during surgery, causing the appearance of scars, different devices are used to treat droopy eyelids with laser. Carbon dioxide laser or partial RF device are suitable for removing droopy eyelids with laser.

Removing under eye bags with laser

In addition to drooping eyelids, under eye bags or puffiness can also change the shape of the face and affect people’s confidence.

Severe under eye bags can make you appear tired all the time.

Many people who interact with you may think you look tired or sad, while you actually feel good and full of energy inside.

Getting rid of under eye bags is not just a cosmetic issue, but should be done to increase confidence and improve relationships. Under eye bags are observed due to aging.

With age, the supporting muscle of the eye weakens, producing less collagen and elastin. The skin begins to sag and fat moves into the space under the eye.

In this state, the eyes appear completely swollen and puffy.

Various factors such as lifestyle, sleep deprivation, genetics, allergies, and exposure to the sun can contribute to the development of under eye bags.

The best method for getting rid of under eye bags is to use a laser device.

The laser device can completely non-invasively eliminate drooping eyelids and be capable of removing under eye cysts.

The energy of laser waves penetrates under the skin and stimulates the production of collagen.

This stimulation will help regenerate cells, especially in the under-eye area.

Benefits of treating droopy eyelids with laser

Treating droopy eyelids with laser has various benefits.

These benefits have made this method popular for eliminating droopy eyelids in recent years.

Here are some of the benefits of treating droopy eyelids with laser:

  1. Minimizing bleeding during the procedure

Laser is a minimally invasive method. Those who want to remove droopy eyelids with laser do not need to worry about the risks of excessive bleeding during surgery.

People may refrain from undergoing blepharoplasty or droopy eyelid removal surgery due to fear of bleeding.

Other methods such as laser can treat eyelid aesthetic problems without any bleeding on the surface of the eyelid.

  1. Better visibility for the surgeon

In methods such as surgery, the surgeon first creates a small incision on the surface of the eyelid.

This incision causes bleeding and makes it difficult for the surgeon to see for removing droopy eyelids.

With the laser method, there is no need to create an incision on the skin surface. The surgeon performs the process of treating droopy eyelids with laser with high precision.

  1. Faster procedure time

The laser eyelid procedure does not take long and can be completed in a few minutes.

In the surgical method, the surgeon spends more time on removing droopy eyelids.

  1. Reduced risk of scarring

One of the most important reasons why many people choose the laser method instead of surgery is the reduced risk of scarring.

The suture scar after blepharoplasty surgery remains on the skin surface for a long time. Even if you use the best healing creams, there is still a low chance of removing all the suture scars and wound scars.

In this case, even though the droopy eyelids have disappeared, the scar site has a negative impact on the appearance of the face and affects confidence.

Many experienced doctors in eyelid surgery achieve the same results in beauty and health with both traditional blepharoplasty and laser methods.

Laser eyelid surgery and traditional eyelid surgery are similar in nature.

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Laser Blepharoplasty: Pain-free and Bloodless

Laser blepharoplasty is a practical method in which the eyelid incision is cauterized, reducing bleeding during the procedure.

The surgeon’s hand is more open for better control during laser blepharoplasty compared to traditional methods.

The main difference between these two methods is that the CO2 laser seals the blood vessels during the procedure, but this does not happen in traditional methods.

This blood vessel sealing reduces bruising and swelling, which benefits the patient and allows for faster recovery after eyelid surgery.

The treating physician can make precise decisions during the procedure because there will be less bleeding.

The recovery time after laser eyelid surgery varies for each individual and depends on several factors, including complete adherence to post-blepharoplasty guidelines.

Most people resume their normal activities one week after the operation.

No permanent side effects have been observed after laser blepharoplasty.

Minor post-surgical effects quickly improve, and you can quickly return to your normal activities.

The reduced pain and bleeding speed up the recovery process and return to daily activities.

For people who are afraid of bleeding and pain after eyelid surgery, laser blepharoplasty is a suitable option.

How Laser Blepharoplasty is Performed

Laser blepharoplasty is a suitable option for those who need this procedure, aiming to eliminate the side effects of eyelid surgery and reduce the recovery period.

It is essential to visit a reputable clinic and physician in this field.

The stages and methods of performing laser blepharoplasty are as follows:

1- Local anesthesia is applied to prevent pain sensation.

2- Laser is applied to create small incisions in the required areas.

3- Removal of fat deposits and excess skin.

4- Closing the wound using a laser instead of stitches.

After completing all these stages of laser blepharoplasty, the person leaves the clinic the same day.

Observing the necessary precautions and care will significantly help in rapid

recovery and prevent the occurrence of side effects.

Are the results of laser blepharoplasty permanent

Drooping eyelids in older and even middle-aged individuals are common due to environmental conditions, and the first thing that becomes apparent is facial beauty, making them look older than they are.

There are various methods such as injections to address this issue, but you may know that most methods are temporary and need to be repeated if necessary.

Regardless of the method used, blepharoplasty is considered a permanent and long-lasting solution for correcting droopy eyelids.

The results of this method initially improve the appearance of beauty. By removing excess skin and fat in the upper eyelid, vision is improved.

The miraculous results of this beauty procedure are evident both in health and beauty after a short period and continue permanently for many years.

The long-lasting and permanent results of blepharoplasty are among the advantages of this beauty procedure that motivates many people to undergo it every year.

In addition to its longevity, it should be noted that laser blepharoplasty has low risks and high success rates.

The specialist’s skill in performing the procedure will have a significant impact on the quality of the final result.

The eye shape has a significant impact on facial appearance.

Sometimes severe drooping of the eyelids can create a sad or angry face or make the face look older.

People who experience such problems can restore a natural eye shape using a laser device.

Cost of Laser Treatment for Drooping Eyelids

The cost of laser treatment for drooping eyelids is not fixed and depends on various factors.

During a consultation session, the physician examines the condition of drooping eyelids and announces the final cost accordingly.

The cost of laser treatment for correcting drooping eyelids varies in different beauty clinics.

Each physician receives a specific fee for performing laser blepharoplasty based on their expertise and skill.

The degree of eyelid drooping will affect the effective treatment cost.

The more severe the eyelid drooping, the more time the physician needs to spend on treating the eye’s visual damage, and the higher the laser cost.

Another factor affecting the cost of laser treatment for drooping eyelids is the number of treatment areas.

Permanence of Laser Blepharoplasty

Various methods, such as injections, are available for correcting eyelid drooping caused by aging.

Most methods are temporarily effective and require renewal.

Regardless of the method used, blepharoplasty is a permanent and long-lasting solution for correcting eyelid drooping.

The permanence of this method depends on the individual’s adherence to pre- and post-operative care.

The results of this procedure become apparent after a short period and are long-lasting.

It is these long-lasting results of blepharoplasty that attract many people to undergo this procedure every year. Laser blepharoplasty has very few side effects and high success rates.

The skill of the specialist physician will have a significant impact on the level of permanence of laser blepharoplasty.

Laser Blepharoplasty

Laser blepharoplasty is one of the most effective cosmetic and rejuvenation procedures.

This procedure is performed to treat drooping eyelids and is performed in two invasive and non-invasive forms.

Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the interested individual chooses one of them based on their condition and the physician’s recommendation and enjoys the ideal result.

Laser blepharoplasty is a non-invasive method that uses laser waves emitted from the device to remove excess skin and accumulated fat in the eyelid without any incision or stitches, resulting in achieving the desired result.

Upper Eyelid Laser Blepharoplasty

People with eyelid drooping problems can benefit from the advantages of upper eyelid blepharoplasty.

This can eliminate the heaviness and wrinkles created in this area.

Fine incisions are made by the laser on the eye, and the accumulated fat underneath the skin is removed.

Since the incisions are superficial and small, there is no need for stitches after the procedure, and the skin will have no wounds or bruises after a maximum of one week.

Lower Eyelid Laser Blepharoplasty

People who have puffiness under their eyes can undergo lower eyelid laser blepharoplasty.

This treatment involves creating an incision of a few millimeters, which allows for the removal of excess skin and fat in this area.

After completing the procedure, the physician uses laser energy to close the incision, resulting in rapid healing of the wound.

There is no need for stitches, and you will not experience a long recovery period or any side effects.

What are the possible methods for performing blepharoplasty

There are different methods for performing blepharoplasty with anesthesia, such as laser eyelid surgery and surgical blepharoplasty.

Many people have questions about the difference between these two methods for undergoing eyelid surgery and are hesitant to make a decision.

The traditional method involves surgical removal of the drooping skin or cyst and lifting the eyelid, which may cause some bleeding.

In laser blepharoplasty, the veins are burned with a laser, and less bleeding and pain will be felt.

However, according to the physician’s diagnosis, a combination of these two methods is adopted for the individual to experience better results from cosmetic surgery.

Can blepharoplasty be performed with laser

Eyelid surgery is a cosmetic procedure performed with a laser.

The surgical blade in this blepharoplasty method is connected to a CO2 laser.

The surgeon controls the CO2 laser for incisions and rapid closure of vessels during eyelid surgery.

What makes this tool unique is that the CO2 laser beam will help to seal blood vessels and prevent bleeding on a large scale when separating tissue.

The total time for the blepharoplasty cosmetic procedure for both eyelids using the laser is less than an hour.

The laser device has a similar performance to other methods without leaving the smallest wound on the skin surface.

5- Less swelling, bruising, and discomfort

Recovery after blepharoplasty surgery is very difficult. For a few days, the skin surface of the eyelid is swollen and bruised.

The person who has undergone blepharoplasty surgery cannot leave the house for a few days until the post-operative symptoms disappear.

The applicant for eyelid drooping surgery, who does not want to experience such issues after blepharoplasty surgery, can choose laser treatment for eyelid drooping.

6- Short recovery time

The recovery period for eyelid drooping removal with laser is short. The person can return to their daily activities after a few hours.

Some special cases need attention after laser treatment for eyelid drooping.

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Disadvantages of laser treatment for eyelid drooping

Every beauty procedure, in addition to its positive aspects, has some side effects that vary depending on the type of operation or procedure performed.

1- Swelling and bruising in the area

2- Inflammation

3- Due to pressure on the eyelids, it is difficult to open and close the eyelids for a while.

How is laser treatment for eyelid drooping performed

Before undergoing laser blepharoplasty, attend a medical consultation session.

In this session, the physician examines the condition of the eyelid and the reasons for problems such as under-eye puffiness or eyelid drooping and suggests the best method for resolving the issue.

The elimination of eyelid drooping with laser is performed in one session and is completed in a short period.

The physician injects a local anesthetic into the areas surrounding the eyelid and eye.

Since the severity of problems such as drooping and under-eye puffiness is followed, the laser process takes from half an hour to 60 minutes.

The laser device will be placed in front of the eyes and will eliminate the drooping by sending a beam towards the eyelid.

Immediately after completing the laser process, you cannot see the results. You have to wait until the recovery period is over.

The laser beam of light creates deep cuts on the surface of the eyelid skin.

Initially, this beam of light closes small blood vessels inside the eyelid and changes the blood supply process in these vessels.

In the process of laser blepharoplasty, the drooping of the eyelid skin disappears.

Sometimes, the physician removes excess fat in the upper eyelid.

Who is suitable for laser treatment for eyelid drooping

The process of eliminating eyelid drooping with laser is simple and minimally invasive, but not all individuals are suitable candidates for this method.

Suitable candidates for eliminating eyelid drooping with laser include:

 Drooping skin and under-eye puffiness

Individuals who genetically experience drooping skin of the eyelids due to specific problems are suitable candidates for laser blepharoplasty.

Severe eyelid drooping significantly affects the appearance and beauty of the eye, which can reduce self-confidence over time. Eyelid drooping or under-eye puffiness can also make simple activities like applying makeup challenging.

 Under-eye bags

The presence of under-eye bags can lead to under-eye puffiness. This is one of the primary reasons why many people are encouraged to use laser devices.

Although various methods are suggested to eliminate under-eye bags or puffiness, except for surgery and laser, none of the methods can completely eliminate under-eye bags.

These bags significantly affect the beauty of the eyes and can show more than the usual age of the person.

 Fine lines, wrinkles, and creases around the eyes

Aging reduces collagen production in the skin, which increases the likelihood of fine lines, wrinkles, and creases around the eyes in elderly individuals. This category of people can eliminate signs of aging around the eyes with the help of laser blepharoplasty.

The laser device not only effectively reduces eyelid drooping or eliminates under-eye puffiness but also reduces fine lines and wrinkles.

 Excess skin that blocks vision

Severe eyelid drooping can cause problems such as reduced field of vision.

Treating eyelid drooping with laser is an urgent matter that should be pursued by the individual because the severity of eyelid drooping can worsen in the future, blocking a part of the field of vision.

 Creating a sad or angry face

One of the reasons that makes many people candidates for laser treatment for eyelid drooping is changing the face’s appearance.

If you are looking for a reputable clinic for your treatment under the supervision of experienced specialists, we recommend visiting the Elahieh specialized clinic.

Learn more about Elahieh Specialized Clinic

Elahieh Specialty and Super Specialty Clinic is one of the most reputable beauty clinics globally ready to provide you with any beauty services you require.

By visiting Elahieh Specialty Clinic, you can take advantage of the discounts offered by the clinic to reduce your treatment costs while receiving the best type of treatment.

Additionally, Elahieh Specialty Clinic has a clean and calming environment to ensure that you do not experience stress, anxiety, or treatment complications during and after your treatment.

By visiting Elahieh Specialty Clinic in person, you can benefit from the consultants in this clinic about your treatment.

Visit Elahieh Specialty Clinic and benefit from more beauty.

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Elahieh Beauty International Hair and Skin Clinic – Elahieh Clinic

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