
Tehran Shahrak-e Gharb, Phase 6, Golafshan

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The Best Eyelid Surgeon in Tehran

The Best Eyelid Surgeon in Tehran

The Best Eyelid Surgeon in Tehran

Many people visit reputable clinics to solve their skin problems around the eyes and have beautiful and attractive eyes by the best eyelid surgeon

. These surgeons provide services in treating eyelid drooping, removing wrinkles and crow’s feet around the eyes, enlarging the eyes, and more.

The experienced best eyelid surgeon patiently examines the skin problems around the eyes and recommends the best treatment methods to individuals with kindness and patience.

Everyone wants to look more attractive during the Persian New Year holidays.

If you also intend to shine, you can visit the Elahieh Beauty Hair and Skin Clinic in Tehran

. In this article, we intend to talk about the best eyelid surgeon in Tehran, so stay with us until the end.


Elahieh Beauty International Hair and Skin Clinic - Elahieh Clinic
Elahieh Beauty International Hair and Skin Clinic – Elahieh Clinic

The best eyelid surgeon’s theory on blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty is the best cosmetic and therapeutic option for treating eyelid drooping and skin sagging around the eyes since it removes the fats and fluids that have accumulated under the eyelid for various reasons such as aging, genetics, lack of sleep, stress, etc.

Blepharoplasty also rejuvenates and brightens the skin around the eyes. People whose collagen and elastin levels have decreased due to aging will have loose and sagging skin above their eyelids, which will reduce their field of vision.

Therefore, blepharoplasty can also be performed to improve visual problems.

The best eyelid surgeon, with high skill and experience, performs this surgery in the best possible way to achieve desirable and satisfactory results.

Types of Blepharoplasty Surgery

The main reason for performing eyelid surgery is eyelid drooping and the accumulation of excess skin around the eyes.

With this surgical procedure, the skin around the eyes can be lifted and tightened, resulting in a youthful, attractive, and alert appearance.

In some cases, eyelid surgery is also used to correct visual problems caused by eyelid drooping. In this therapeutic procedure, excess skin, muscles, and/or some fatty tissue are removed from the upper and/or lower eyelids.

However, in some cases, removing excess skin from the eyelids is enough.

Some people refer to upper eyelid surgery as an eyelid lift or eyelid lift surgery, but it should not be confused with ptosis surgery.

In the eyelid surgery that is performed to correct eyelid drooping, the muscles,

tendons, and tissues that hold the eyelids up are tightened to correct eye problems. However, eyelid surgery is only performed when the eyelids have drooped and you have noticed it due to heavy eyelids.

As a result, both types of surgery can be performed for different purposes, but both are effective in treating eyelid drooping.

  • Beauty blepharoplasty
  • Therapeutic blepharoplasty

What are the symptoms of eyelid drooping?

When eyelid drooping occurs in only one eye, it is easily recognizable by comparing the two eyelids. When drooping occurs on both sides, or if there is only a partial problem, it is harder to diagnose.

Comparing the current amount of drooping with the amount shown in old photos may help you identify the progress of the problem.

To make an accurate diagnosis and determine the cause of eyelid drooping, you should consult a doctor.

However, you should be familiar with the symptoms so that you can seek medical attention quickly if you notice them.

Here are some of the symptoms of eyelid drooping:

  • Lack of coordination between upper eyelids
  • Tilting the head backward and lifting the shoulders in children
  • Tumors and eye problems, especially in children
  • Blurred vision, especially in one eye
  • Crossed eyes, especially in children
  • Dry eyes or excessive tearing
  • Pain around the eyes, making your eyes appear tired.

Stages of performing blepharoplasty by the best eyelid surgeon in Tehran

Beauty specialists first perform the necessary tests and examinations to ensure the person’s health status, and then begin this surgical procedure with local anesthesia.

In this method, fine incisions are made in the direction of the natural eyelid creases. The fluids and fats that are the main cause of eyelid drooping are removed, and the excess skin hanging above the eye will also be removed.

Finally, the incisions are closed with sutures or laser.

Uses of blepharoplasty

– Treatment of eyelid drooping

– Treatment of upper and lower eyelid puffiness

– Tightening and firming the skin around the eyes

– Elimination of wrinkles and sagging skin around the eyes

– Increasing the field of view

– Eye enlargement and attractiveness

– Increased self-confidence and a sense of youthfulness

The best candidates for blepharoplasty

– Those who are suffering from eyelid drooping and eye puffiness.

– Those who have wrinkled and aged skin around their eyes.

– Those whose field of vision has decreased.

– Those who are in good health and can understand the results well.

Side effects and disadvantages of blepharoplasty

Common side effects of blepharoplasty include bruising, swelling, pain, burning, and itching, which will gradually disappear over time.

However, if the procedure is not performed by the best eyelid surgeon, you may experience severe side effects such as eyelid shortening, infection, severe bruising and swelling, double vision and so on.

At Elahieh Beauty International Hair and Skin Clinic, blepharoplasty is performed by a professional team and the best eyelid surgeon.

If you want to be informed about the clinic’s daily costs and discounts, you can contact our experienced consultants for free consultation and services.

Pre-operative care recommended by the eyelid surgeon before blepharoplasty includes:

– Perform the necessary tests and examinations.

– Inform your doctor if you have any specific diseases or are taking any medications.

– Avoid smoking and alcohol for one month before blepharoplasty.

– Ask a family member to accompany you on the day of surgery.

– Avoid wearing makeup.

– Do not use contact lenses.

Elahieh Beauty International Hair and Skin Clinic - Eyelid Surgeon
Elahieh Beauty International Hair and Skin Clinic – Eyelid Surgeon

Post-operative care recommended by the eyelid surgeon after blepharoplasty includes:

– Avoid bathing and getting water on your eyes for up to three days.

– Take prescribed medications on time.

– Avoid manipulating the sutures and visit the clinic after seven days to remove them.

– Use cold compresses for the first three days and warm compresses for the next three days.

– Avoid bending, exercising, and doing strenuous activities for up to one month.

– Use sunglasses when going out and do not expose your eyes to sunlight.

How much does blepharoplasty cost?

The cost of this procedure is calculated based on the surgeon’s fee, operating room costs, surgical equipment and supplies, and the clinic’s fees.

If you want to be informed about the clinic’s daily costs and discounts, you can contact our experienced consultants for free consultation and services.

Does insurance cover the cost of blepharoplasty?

As we mentioned earlier, blepharoplasty can be performed for cosmetic or therapeutic purposes.

If the goal is to improve the appearance and rejuvenation of the eyelids, it will not be covered by insurance, but if a person seeks to undergo this procedure to address vision problems, a portion of the costs will be covered by the insurance company.

It should be noted that documents indicating that sagging eyelids have caused vision problems must be provided.

For example, vision tests must be performed by a trusted insurance company physician.

Effects and results

If blepharoplasty is performed by the best eyelid surgeon and proper pre-operative and post-operative is taken, the results of blepharoplasty are completely desirable.

In this procedure, sagging eyelids, eye bags, and wrinkles around the eyes are eliminated, and the eyes become more prominent. Also, your field of vision increases.

The definite results of blepharoplasty can be seen after 2 to 3 months.

In what cases is the permanence of blepharoplasty not guaranteed?

Another fundamental question that usually occupies people’s minds is whether the permanence of blepharoplasty is 90% permanent, in which cases the permanence of blepharoplasty may not be permanent and it may be necessary to undergo this surgery again?

In response to this question, we must refer to the following cases in order:

In cases where those who undergo this surgery do not take pre-operative and post-operative measures seriously.

Certainly, most surgical procedures require care, and special considerations must be taken before the surgery to ensure successful results.

Failure to pay attention to such points may require blepharoplasty to be performed again.

Therefore, it is advisable to take pre-operative and post-operative seriously.

In some other cases, the inexperience and lack of sufficient experience of the physician may result in the desired result not being achieved after blepharoplasty, and the problem of sagging eyelids may not be completely resolved.

In these cases, the specialist physician should perform blepharoplasty again to completely eliminate the problems caused by sagging eyelids.

Sometimes it is seen that genetic factors of individuals cause the appearance of sagging eyelids to reappear in the person’s appearance after a few years of surgery.

In these cases, it may also be necessary to undergo blepharoplasty again to eliminate this problem.

As people approach middle age, their skin cells lose their original state and lose their elasticity unconsciously. Despite undergoing blepharoplasty, sometimes it is necessary to undergo this surgery again in old age.

What is the recovery period after blepharoplasty?

After blepharoplasty, the eyelid surgeon will provide you with instructions for postoperative care.

You will need three days of rest, and then you can resume your daily activities. The typical recovery period after blepharoplasty is 21 days, but this can vary depending on the surgeon’s skill, your body’s ability to heal, and the postoperative care you receive.

How many sessions are required for blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty is typically performed in one session, and the duration of the surgery depends on the surgeon’s skill and usually takes between 30 to 60 minutes. Specialists at the Elahieh Beauty Clinic understand the importance of a consultation session to achieve the desired results.

During the consultation, our experts and specialists will provide you with complete information about the procedure, its potential side effects, postoperative care, and expected results.

You can also gain a realistic understanding of the results by viewing examples of the physician’s previous work. After the surgery, patients can leave the clinic and recover at home.

It is recommended to remove the stitches 5-7 days after the surgery. Our specialists also examine the patient’s condition during the consultation session to prescribe appropriate medications if necessary.

When should you see a doctor for eyelid surgery?

If your drooping eyelid is accompanied by any of the following, be sure to consult a specialist ophthalmologist or internist as soon as possible:

-It has suddenly occurred within a few days or hours.

-It is accompanied by double vision, facial muscle weakness, arm or leg weakness, speech or swallowing difficulties, or severe headache.

-It is accompanied by signs of eye infection such as eye pain and redness, fever, swelling and bulging of the eye, or difficulty moving the eye.

-Your drooping eyelids have developed with age, causing visual impairment or seriously affecting your appearance.

-If you think one of your child’s eyes is smaller than the other, or your child tries to lift their eyebrows to see better during conversation, be sure to consult a pediatric specialist or ophthalmologist.

Due to the possibility of progressive drooping eyelid disorder and its side effects, it is not a simple matter to ignore it easily.

For more information about eyelid surgery, you can contact our specialist at Elahieh Beauty International Hair and Skin Clinic in Tehran and consult with them.

Elahieh Beauty International Hair and Skin Clinic - Eyelid Surgeon
Elahieh Beauty International Hair and Skin Clinic – Eyelid Surgeon

Frequently Asked Questions by Our Dear Beauty Seekers at Elahieh Clinic

1- When will the stitches be removed?

Most stitches will be removed 3 to 4 days after the eyelid surgery.

2- Will there be any scarring after blepharoplasty?

After any surgery that involves skin incision, scarring is inevitable, although if the scar is difficult to detect during the surgery and after recovery, it cannot be seen with the naked eye. This is because the incision lines are placed between the natural lines and wrinkles of the eyelid.

3- Will my eye shape change after eyelid surgery?

The most common change after upper eyelid surgery is that the eyes appear brighter, more beautiful, and larger, and show less fatigue.

4- Will upper eyelid blepharoplasty help my droopy eyebrows?

Upper eyelid surgery will not improve droopy eyebrows. To restore eyebrows to their natural position and make them look younger, you need to perform an eyebrow lift.

5- How old do you have to be to have blepharoplasty?

There is no specific time to pay for eyelid surgery. However, most applicants will undergo this surgery after the age of 35 and following a consultation session. Nevertheless, people who have excess skin and fat under their eyes can benefit from this surgery earlier, and those who are seeking double eyelid surgery are usually much younger, around 18 to 35 years old.

Why is Elahieh Clinic a suitable choice for blepharoplasty?

Elahieh Clinic, as one of the best and most reliable specialized clinics in skin and hair in Tehran, is licensed by the Ministry of Health and observes all relevant standards. With several years of experience and maximum customer satisfaction, the clinic guarantees the results of blepharoplasty surgeries.

At Shahgoli Clinic, we have always strived to assist you in achieving your desired results with the help of the most experienced beauty surgeons and the latest blepharoplasty equipment. Contact us for a free consultation and more information.


the eyes are an important and essential part of the body through which individuals can convey their inner emotions without words.

If the eyes appear tired and droopy, it will undoubtedly create social difficulties because individuals with this feature always have a tired and dull face, and communication with them will be difficult.

Moreover, sagging eyelids, which occur due to aging, will cause vision problems and gradually weaken the eyes and even affect the forehead and neck muscles over time.

Therefore, blepharoplasty is a suitable option for achieving facial beauty and restoring eye health.

In this method, the specialists at Elahieh Clinic will remove excess skin and accumulated fat under the eyelid to make the eyes beautiful and vibrant, and as a result, you will experience a smart and attractive face.

Choosing a skilled and experienced physician can have excellent results, and therefore, taking care of post-operative care is also highly important.

Therefore, by performing the necessary care and visiting specialized clinics, you can achieve excellent results. Additionally, all skin and hair services are performed at this clinic.

Elahieh Beauty International Hair and Skin Clinic - Elahieh Clinic
Elahieh Beauty International Hair and Skin Clinic – Elahieh Clinic

Elahieh Clinic, is at the service of dear beauty enthusiasts, having achieved the highest satisfaction rating of 5 stars on the global reference platform, Google.

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About Elahieh Skin, Hair and Beauty Clinic

Elahieh International Hair and Beauty Dermatology Clinic with highly experienced medical staff and fully up-to-date equipment has been at the service of dear citizens of Tehran province and other compatriots in other parts of the country and has provided valuable services to dear beauticians for many years. Unparalleled clinic services and free consultation and easy payment conditions, as well as the satisfaction of dear beauticians from Elahieh Clinic, we have had many clients to this clinic from neighboring countries and we are grateful that we have been able to provide a small service.

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The Best Eyelid Surgeon in Tehran

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